Contents of our house

We have made progress in emptying the house but are now focused on getting it ready for sale and will worry about the rest in the fall when we get back from a trip to Honduras.  There are some larger things or groups of things we would be thrilled to have someone take off our hands but can't afford to spend any more time on selling our 'stuff' right now. 
We still have:
Tools, stereo equipment, DVDs, Misc Electronics, Formal Wedgwood China service, Vintage and Antique Kitchen, Glass, Crystal, vintage arcade games,  Yard and Snow Maintenance, Gardening tools.  Numerous Asian, Tribal & European works of art and antique furniture, Office and Computer Furniture, Vintage and Antique Books, Ephemera and Early Photography. Rugs, dozens of picture frames, Exercise equipment, laptop and desktop etc.  It hurts to itemize ;-)  Feel free to message us about something specific but right now our focus is packing up and cleaning up.

We will inevitably have at least one more sale in the fall.  We are still living here so need a number of things till we move out. 

We are using at least 2 auction houses and had already given some things in the spring to Northeast Auctions and are about to use New England book auctions for part of the huge collection in the attic.   Since this was what we did professionally in our former life, trusting someone else to auction our items was not easy. 

Many of these things were inherited or hold deep personal value to us but must be sold in order to give us a chance to launch our new life. Please remember that and be patient with us.